To be a Centre of Excellence for providing industry and the world with accountants who possess high ethical values and strong computerized accounting skills within a modern and dynamic society.

To train high caliber accounting personnel with hands-on knowledge and skills in accounting software applications to meet industry needs and to have a cutting edge over our competitors.

- Response to industry needs and global trends.
Click Here to Read Our Core Values
- Providing employable skill to students in a very competitive environment.
- Response to industry needs and global trends.
- Providing employable skill to students in a very competitive environment.
- Providing stronger computational and analytical skills to students
- Providing platform for students to become professional accountants with high ethical values.
- Collaboration with industry players for our students to get hands on training
- Partnering with stakeholders and regulators in the development of curriculum.
- Promoting the development of highly motivated lecturers to support teaching and learning.